Advisory Committee Member Profile: Brian Kunec, Regional General Manager, KB Home
Brian Kunec, Regional General Manager of KBHome, relishes his role with the nationalhomebuilder whose sweet spot is entry-level homesfor first-time homebuyers. In his position, Kunecoversees the company’s homebuilding operations inNevada, Idaho and Washington, including landacquisition, construction, sales and customerservice.
“Our primary market is a range of buyers that includes everyone from teachers to police officers and all those new to the real estate market,” said Kunec. It’s what drives me every day and fuels my passion to deliver a quality and affordable housing product that allows more people to own their own home. Helping others achieve the American Dream is rewarding and meaningful.”
As a member of the Advisory Committee for TheMayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE, Kunec is alsopassionate about one of the organization’s tenets -workforce development and programs that trainand prepare young people for solid and lucrativecareers in the construction and homebuildingindustry.
“While there are many challenges to homebuilding,including the price of land and labor shortages, I enjoy working with city officials to explore newideas and opportunities in the pursuit of newand innovative ways to develop affordablehousing.”

He is particularly proud of KB Home’scommitment to the environment, with everyhome built to Energy Star certified standardsand using water smart technology. “As wedevelop our footprint locally and nationally, weare trying to do it in an environmentally smartway.”
Kunec and his wife, Alejandra, are dog parentsto four four-legged “kids,” who keep them busyand hopping: three Golden Retrievers namedMax, Manolo and Lola, and an American Eskimonamed Mateo. Pre-COVID, the Kunecs wereavid international travelers and today, arelooking forward to returning to theiradventurous lifestyle.
A Las Vegas resident since 2003, Kunec wasdrawn to Southern Nevada by the dynamichomebuilding industry, working first for Pulteand Del Webb, before joining KB Home in 2015.A Pennsylvania native, he holds a Bachelor ofArts degree in business and economics fromLafayette College in Pennsylvania. He currentlyserves on the board of the Southern NevadaHome Builders Association, Green Our Planet,Henderson Chamber of Commerce, One NightOne Drop committee, Nevada Care GivingCouncil, and the Las Vegas Bowl committee – inaddition to The Mayor’s Fund. Kunec is also anexecutive committee member of Inspirada LLC,the developer of the 1500-acre master-plannedcommunity in West Henderson.