About This Initiative

The Ryan Michael Smith Endowed Golf Scholarship at UNLV is established to honor Ryan Smith, a highly regarded and beloved leader at the City Las Vegas who served as Director of Economic and Urban Development at the City of Las Vegas before he passed away on March 17, 2024.  The scholarship will be awarded to a student-athlete and member of the UNLV men’s golf team. Smith, who was an avid golfer, worked on a number of projects and developments that have had a transformative effect across the city, including many in the Arts District, Symphony Park, and the Historic Westside. Ryan’s genuine and warm spirit touched the lives of so many who had the great fortune to know him.

About This Initiative

The Las Vegas Book Festival is the largest literary event in Nevada and attracts 10,000+ attendees of all ages.

For 17 years, the city of Las Vegas has partnered with local businesses and nonprofits to bring the joy of reading to our community.

This three-day festival includes a wide range of events and activities culminating in a day-long bazaar of books, authors, readings, and workshops that are free and open to anyone who shares a love of reading.

Partnership Opportunities

The Mayor’s Fund is seeking new partners who recognize the importance of reading and literacy.

A range of sponsorship opportunities are available to help the city of Las Vegas bring engaging content and involve more community members.

More information about how you can support this annual tradition can be found at www.lasvegasbookfestival.org

The Las Vegas Community Healing Garden is a place of healing and respect for those who were lost on October 1. Your support will help maintain the plants, flowers, trees, and other amenities in the garden, including the memorial waterfall feature, and will help ensure the serenity of this beautiful garden will last for following generations.

The creativity and entrepreneurial spirit that makes Las Vegas the Entertainment Capital of the World is splendidly displayed on the sides of downtown buildings, in sidewalk installations and in popup galleries.

Recognizing the impact and uplift of public art on community, The Mayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE is embarking on a project to fund and install large-scale public murals throughout the city, including the Historic Westside, an area that stands today as a monument to local African-American culture, architecture and history.

In addition to improving the economic and social environment of communities, public art is credited with reducing crime and graffiti. Numerous studies in cities across the country cite the impact of public art on safety and community well-being. Most importantly, public art engages the community and helps to create more vibrant neighborhoods where people want to live and visit.

Partnership Opportunities

The Mayor’s Fund is seeking $300,000 in sponsorship to support the commissioning/residency fees for approximately 20 artists.

The Mayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE is seeking $50,000 for each mural. Working collaboratively with the community on specific locations and subject matter, The Mayor’s Fund will work with the Las Vegas Arts Commission to oversee this project. Subsequent murals will be underwritten as funds are raised.

About This Initiative

More than 6,000 individuals and families in our community lack permanent housing—with 64 percent of our homeless population living on the streets, in encampments, cars or other places not meant for human habitation.

The city of Las Vegas is committed to ensuring that all residents can access a safe, respectful, permanent location to thrive, and is working with local partners to address the needs of individuals experiencing homelessness.

The Courtyard Homeless Resource Center, launched in 2017, is an innovative public-private partnership that convenes a range of service providers in a central, convenient location, to provide homeless clients with access to:

Partnership Opportunities

To provide the range of services homeless individuals need to regain independence, the Mayor’s Fund is seeking significant support. Unique partnership opportunities include:

Housing Supports:

Employment Supports:

Supportive Services:

The Courtyard is also seeking in-kind donations of personal care items, non-perishable food items, home starter items to support a fresh start in a new home, and recreational items.

Contact mayorsfundlv@lasvegasnevada.gov to learn more about how you can help support the path to independence for individuals and families in our community.


Residents of Las Vegas know that the city streets are H-O-T! No, we’re not talking about its vibrant and bustling culture and entertainment—we mean, quite literally, the temperature is HOT. And it’s only getting hotter. With temperatures rising annually since 1970, Las Vegas is the fastest-warming city in the United States.  Urban planners, academics and city leaders all agree that trees help to keep our communities cooler and healthier. By supporting The Mayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE’s Tree Initiative, you can help curb those high temps in our valley neighborhoods.

Four Reasons to Plant Trees TODAY!

Enhance Neighborhood Aesthetics: Trees improve overall quality of life by adding green space to communities and enhancing neighborhood aesthetics.

Cooling Effect: Trees release water vapor from their leaves, which produces a cooling effect. The overall cooling effect of a single, mature tree is equivalent to 10 air conditioning units running for 20 hours a day.

Air Quality: Planting trees remains one of the most cost-effective ways of drawing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Research has shown a 60% reduction in particulates from car exhaust fumes on streets lined with trees.

Health/Well-Being: Trees have proven positive impact on skin cancer, asthma, hypertension, and other stress-related illness by filtering out polluted air, reducing smog formation, providing shade from solar radiation, and creating an attractive, calming setting for recreation.

Just imagine, for generations to follow, Las Vegans will admire these trees while reaping all the health benefits. Planting trees will not only produce immediate benefits for residents, they will continue to do so for many lifetimes.

Funding Opportunities

With the health and well-being of our communities in mind, The Mayor’s Fund for Las Vegas LIFE is embarking on a project to fund the city’s long term plan to create tree canopies across the city by planting more than 60,000 trees by the year 2050 – especially in those areas most impacted by extreme temperatures.

The goal is to raise funds to purchase both mature trees as well as nursery trees for planting.

We’re looking for donors in the following categories:

In most cases, trees will be planted in the same general locations unless otherwise arranged with donors:

Individual Trees

The city’s History with Urban Forestry

The city of Las Vegas’ history as a supporter of urban forestry began in 1912 when women of the Mesquite Club planted 2,000 trees. And beginning in 1989, the city has been consistently recognized as a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation. Today, the city of Las Vegas employs full-time arborists to care for the city’s trees and to advance its commitment to build the city’s urban tree canopy by 20% by 2035.

About This Initiative

The proven benefits of participation in sports are wide-ranging—children can use sports to improve physical fitness, mental acuity, communication skills, leadership and perseverance.

According to Paul Caccamo, a leader in the sports-based youth development movement: “Sports are more than a game; they are a set of life lessons… Young athletes learn to work together, acquire leadership skills, get a sense of discipline and learn communication skills… All of these things are keys to success in the workplace.”

Joining a youth sports team is a rite of passage in many communities. The city of Las Vegas seeks to ensure children, regardless of their ability to pay, can participate in these positive programs.

Partnership Opportunities

Youth sports programs are a relatively inexpensive way to engage children in positive, healthy activities that teach teamwork, leadership and self-governance.

A nominal donation of $500 will sponsor a child to participate in a recreation league for 10 months. Through generous donations, the city’s goal is to provide 225 youth sports participant scholarships annually.