ReInvent Schools Las Vegas is based on a National Community School Model, where educators and community partners align assets and expertise in order to improve student success.

ReInvent Schools is an intentional school transformation strategy concentrating on expanded learning opportunities, health and social services, family and community engagement, as well as early childhood development.

Through the use of AmeriCorps Tutors and Student Success Members, more than 8,855 students receive support at 12 elementary schools and one middle school. ReInvent Schools are showing improvements in student attendance, reading proficiency, parental involvement, and reduced disciplinary referrals; these outcomes are leading to promising academic improvements.

Each school year begins with an energizing, motivating ReInvent Schools Training Summit, for the full spectrum of school staff, which reinforces the core set of shared operating principles. Together students and families are motivated and engaged in learning both in school and after-school.

Partnership Opportunities

To continue to grow the ReInvent Schools model and increase support services and programs to current school communities, the Mayor’s Fund is seeking partnerships to:

Early childhood education is one of the best investments in a child’s future. Research shows that high-quality early learning experiences have a significant impact on long-term success. The Strong Start GO! Mobile Pre-K program provides half-day early education services, family engagement workshops and activities, and community advocacy given the importance of early learning and kindergarten readiness.

The Strong Start GO! Mobile Pre-K program is an innovative program that brings early learning into neighborhoods where it is needed most. Currently, there are four Mobile Pre-K buses that provide early childhood education in underserved neighborhoods.

Partnership Opportunities

Partnership opportunities are available to support field trips, portable outdoor equipment, and STEM materials for families to engage in hands-on learning.

Children growing up in low-income households fall behind an average of two months in reading achievement during the summer. And, this ‘summer slide’ adds up—by the end of fifth grade, children growing up in low-income households are nearly three grade equivalents behind their more affluent peers.

The city of Las Vegas seeks to reverse this trend through effective, research-based Summer Learning Academies.

In partnership with local education nonprofits, summer Learning Academies utilize explicit, engaging instruction in reading and math to mitigate the loss of academic skills during the summer months. Students are also provided a nutritious breakfast and lunch daily at no charge.

Carolyn G. Goodman Education Legacy Fund
This special fund was established as a testament to Mayor Carolyn Goodman’s enduring commitment to education, providing a unique opportunity to personally honor her remarkable achievements promoting education in our city and her pivotal role in establishing the Mayor’s Fund to support key city initiatives, including early childhood education. This fund aims to address the diverse needs of students across all levels of education with an emphasis on Pre-K through grade 12, as well as underserved student populations in the city. The Fund, which will bear Mayor Goodman’s name in perpetuity, well beyond her impressive tenure, will serve as a perpetual, renewing source of support for educational initiatives city-wide.